Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, TU Wien, Austria TU Wien FAM

International Workshop and Mid-Term Conference on Advanced Mathematical Methods for Finance
September 17-22, 2007

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Pre-registration for the conference is closed

On-site registration

The conference is over, we 'd like to thank all participants and supporters. See you again in the future!

Conference Fee

  Regular fee Fee for full-time students/
Ph.D. students
before June, 30th € 150,- € 100,- € 50,-(*)
before August, 15th € 200,- € 120,-
after August, 15th € 250,- € 150,-

(*) sorry, fully booked

Included in the fee are the Welcome Reception, coffee breaks, workshop material and participation at the conference.

VAT number
Please note that the conference fee does not contain any VAT and is not subject to VAT. (However, in case bureaucracy insists on knowing it... VAT number: ATU37675002)


Bank transfer:
Please transfer the conference fee to the following bank account:
Account holder: TU Wien
Bank: Bank Austria
Bank address: Wiedner Hauptstrasse 11, A-1040 Vienna
Routing code: 12000
Account number: 51429 000 474
IBAN: AT41 1200 0514 2900 0474
Please state your name in the reason for payment field.

Credit Cards:
Sorry, we do not accept credit cards.

Cancellation before September 1st, 2007: You are charged with 20% of the fee.
Cancellation on or after September 1st, 2007: You are charged with 50% of the fee.
The fee for the conference dinner will be refunded if we can fill the vacant spot.

Contributed Talks

The deadline to apply for Contributed Talks is over.
You may still apply to give a talk by sending an email to the conference secretary (see above). There's a small chance that your talk is accepted, the organizing committee decides approximately every other week about the late submissions.

Poster Presentations

Although it's already past the deadline to apply for Poster Presentations, there's still some space available. Please apply also by sending an email to the conference secretary. Poster Presesentations will take place on all days, most likely around noon.

Grants for Ph.D. students and young PostDocs

We had several travel grants available covering the conference fee and up to € 400,- for travel and accomodation. These were available for Ph.D. students and young PostDocs. The deadline for applications was June, 30th, and all the grants are already awarded.

Social Activities

Welcome Reception
This will take place on Tuesday, 18th. You'll receive the details after you registered for the conference. The Welcome Reception is included in the conference fee.

Visit of a "Heuriger"
On Wednesday, 19th at 19.00 we'll visit Vienna's oldest "Heuriger" (est. 1740), the "10er Marie". This visit is not included in the conference fee, but everybody may join.

Conference Dinner
The Conference Dinner takes place on Thursday, 20th at the "Kuppelhalle" of the "Kunsthistorische Museum". The fee of EUR 50,- (alcoholic drinks excluded) is not included in the conference fee and has to be paid separately. There are guided tours (in English and if there's enough demand also in other languages) available.